Be the Source of your own Power. Live in Alignment with who you truly are.


Whether you’re experienced with healing and spiritual growth, or you’re new to the practice, Cinmaya is here to support your journey into wholeness. Wholing is the return to Love and the remembrance of the wholeness of your true being. A healing session will assist you in creating your desired life experience. The vast majority of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours stem from unconscious beliefs, perceptions and energetic disharmony. This in turn creates a weak physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experience of life. These powerful healing sessions work directly with the root causes, which are unique to each person. Clearing and strengthening you for permanent change.


Mikhaël Akasha committed himself to a deep journey of awakening and spiritual development. He learned from highly evolved indigenous Wisdom keepers with lineages in the New Zealand Indigenous Māori to the Aboriginal Australians and Native Americans. Which provided him with the knowledge and tools to go through a transformation where he cultivated his unique powers and gifts. He inspires to spread the message of love and harmony through healing and sharing; creating a platform for people to step into their powers by expressing their inner voice. 


    Mikhaël utilizes an intricate blend of Quantum Energy Healing, Chinese Energy Medicine, Qi Gong, and Intuitive Energy Techniques to offer transformative sessions that foster not only rapid spiritual growth but also deep emotional stability and resilience.


    These sessions are particularly ideal for groups such as work teams, communities, organizations, or families. They serve to effectively clear any emotional or interpersonal blockages, promote a deep sense of unity, and foster harmonious connections that enhance relationships and collaboration.


    This tailored growth trajectory is based on your unique blueprint, that fosters mental and emotional clarity. The approach incorporates Quantum Energy Healing, Chinese Energetic Medicine, and the ancient practice of Qi Gong to release the blockages that hinder your progress and well-being.


    A transformative 2-Month Program specifically designed to upscale individuals in leadership positions, co-creating clarity and empowerment at the deepest layers of your being. Elevating your personal and professional journey, fostering essential growth and insight.


Cinmaya is dedicated to regenerating the Earth within the Universal Law of One and the unfoldment of the Divine plan. With Land Healing Missions that Transform and Regenerate the environment.

May all of Humanity unite together as one collective cohesive field of Love to bring forth the Golden Aeon in a renewed cycle of our species and the planet’s abundant evolution.

If you feel aligned to support these missions, donations to advance this ongoing service work are deeply appreciated.

  • Releasing Causal and genetic information in the Ancestral plane and Restore elemental balance. Transmuting Holocaust and Migrational Trauma.

  • Land clearing to purify the physical and causal plane. Removal of stuck energies from events that have taken place. Harmonizing negative polarity.

  • Heal Akashic plane and Causal imprints. Upgrade and uplevel connection to grid system. Rejuvenate and regenerate all levels and layers of the land. Transmuting toxicity and poisonous waste fragments and particles from chemical compositions.

  • Land clearing and grid activation work to support humanity at large.



Blueprint Alignment is designed to elevate different core areas of your life. Depending on your unique blueprint and intentions, we will specifically tailor your sessions using the most effective tools for your empowerment and growth.

These could include coaching methods to support mental and emotional shifts to gain clarity and re-wiring of perspectives. Energy Healing, Chinese Energetic Medicine and Qi Gong may be used in order to release mental and emotional blockages.